
Author of Guida alla Berlino Ribelle, co-written with Roberto Sassi.
Voland, 2017

Translation English – Italian

Biografia di X (OT Biography of X) by Catherine Lacey
SUR, 2024

“Amy Foster” in Amy Foster, Laguna by Joseph Conrad
Orizzonte Milton, 2023

Il circolo di poesia della Stasi (OT The Stasi Poetry Circle) by Philip Oltermann
Utet, 2022

A me puoi dirlo (OT Pew) by Catherine Lacey
SUR, 2020

Translation of the article “From Plaything to Player” by Mark Leonard and Carl Bildt for the European Council on Foreign Relations (December 2019)

Trump Sky Alpha by Mark Doten
Chiarelettere, 2019

Le più fortunate (OT The Lucky Ones) by Julianne Pachico
SUR, 2018

Le risposte (OT The Answers) by Catherine Lacey
SUR, 2018

Nessuno scompare davvero (OT Nobody Is Ever Missing) by Catherine Lacey
SUR, 2016

EastWest Magazine and the website Eastwest.eu
Translations from English into Italian and vice versa for the bimonthly geopolitical magazine

Translation German – Italian

Dschinns by Fatma Aydemir
Fazi, forthcoming

“Le Alpi al bivio” by Werner Bätzing, in The Passenger – Alpi
Iperborea, 2024

Al mare (OT Zur See) by Dörte Hansen
Fazi, 2024

Berlino insolita e segreta (OT Verborgenes Berlin) by Tom Wolf, Manuel Roy and Roberto Sassi
Jonglez, 2024

A casa (OT Daheim) by Judith Hermann, Fazi, 2024

Il tempo della speranza (OT Tage der Hoffnung) by Brigitte Riebe, translated in collaboration with Viola Savaglio
Fazi, 2022

Giorni felici (OT Wunderbare Zeiten) von Brigitte Riebe, translated in collaboration with Viola Savaglio
Fazi, 2021

Una vita da ricostruire (OT Die Schwestern vom Ku’damm: Jahre des Aufbaus) by Brigitte Riebe, translated in collaboration with Nicola Vincenzoni
Fazi, 2021

103 mappe per capire il mondo di oggi e salvare quello di domani (OT 102 grüne Karten zur Rettung der Welt) by Katapult
Vallardi, 2020

Tornare a casa (OT Mittagsstunde) by Dörte Hansen
Fazi, 2020

L’amore all’inizio (OT Aller liebe Anfang) by Judith Hermann
L’Orma editore, 2018

Film script, writer’s and director’s note, and visual concept of the film Eden Sonate by Ronny Trocker
August 2022-April 2024

Booklet for the Heidi Bucher retrospective at Muzeum Susch
May 2022

Berlin’s official promotional organisation for tourism and conventions
October 2018-September 2021

Translation Italian – English

Pasolini in Villa Ada (OT Pasolini a Villa Ada) by Girogio Manacorda
Voland, 2015

English subtitles for the short film Posso entrare? by Fariborz Kamkari. Screened at the 73rd Venice International Film Festival
August 2016

SECTION D: a Tertium Genus of Imprisonment?
Case-study on the Transgender Inmates of Sollicciano Prison, Sofia Ciuffoletti e Adriana Dias Vieira
Journal of Law and Criminal Justice, 2014

Translation German – English

Translations for AWO SONNENSTEIN gemeinnützige GmbH, Workers Welfare Association

Katja Ulmer’s essay on the exhibit The Big Other by Paula Doepfner, Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlino

Subtitles for Treehouse, promotional short film for Berlin’s Sisyphus club
December 2015

Translation Italian – German

Interview with Eros Ramazzotti for Universal Music
May 2015

Translation English – German

Claiming liveable lives di Ann Phoenix
Springer, 2017


Precious Flavours: Lorenzo Cogo x Fope, Italian texts (2022)

Ahorn Paper, a series of printed publications dedicated to photography and artists’ books (2016 – ongoing)

Juridical Status and Rights of Irregular Migrants in Brazil and Italy: An International Comparative Perspective by Sofia Ciuffoletti e Adriana Dias Vieira
Sociology Study, 2013

Education and professional training

6 – 9 September 2022
Training the Teacher of Literary Translation
European School of Literary Translation

April – May 2020
Post-Editing / Reviewing course

January – March 2020
Translating Pharmaceutical Documents
STL Formazione

February – April 2020
Medical and pharmaceutical translation
Introductory and advanced courses by Langue&Parole

January – February 2019
Introduction to legal translation
Archomai edizioni e formazione

M.A. North American Studies
John F. Kennedy Institut
Freie Universität Berlin (Germania)

B.A. Summa Cum Laude in Languages and Foreign Literature
Università degli Studi di Siena

High school diploma, focus on foreign languages
Liceo Statale A. Rosmini, Grosseto


May – August 2011
Internship at TP (International) Ltd in Wolverhampton (UK) under the EU funded “Leonardo da Vinci” Programme.

September 2006
Traineeship in a kindergarten in Münster (Germany) as part of my high school language training program